Monday, February 22, 2010

"Bioluminescence" Test Level

Just a crude test for a "bioluminescent" type environment. I was pretty pleased with the way this is coming along, especially considering that the first thing I tried worked pretty damn well. (I love it when Blender cooperates.) So, just a quick vid of our character stand-in negotiating a "living" terrain. Effect is accomplished with clever (if I do say so myself : ) lighting and the right UV texture. Texture started out as this, from, which is an awesome site for high quality, free textures.

I'd like to know if the effect comes off to you other words, does it really look like the terrain lights up in response to the character (or am I just fooling myself)...if you have any suggestions to make it please post!

1 comment:

  1. very cool! I think you are getting the desired effect, the only thing I would say is can you increase the contrast? I mean, if you had the ground a little darker and things light up a little brighter when you walk on it.
    Very nice!
